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March 2022: Healthcare M&A Snapshot

NHS backlogs and digitalisation are the two key themes of our March snapshot. View our summary of the key M&A activity within the UK healthcare market in March 2022 below.

Notable Sector Deals

Totally’s acquisition of Pioneer Healthcare

  • The first of two major deals announced in March involving providers of insourcing and outsourcing services to the NHS

  • An EV of up to £13m (£6.1m of which is linked to a short term earnout) looks high for a business that only generated £0.8m of PBT in the year to March 2021, but the business is likely to have seen significant growth over the last 12 months as COVID restrictions have eased

  • By leveraging Pioneer’s “Any Qualified Provider” status, the combination with Totally’s existing insourcing division will allow NHS patients to select the business as their preferred elective provider

Acquisition of 18 Week Support by Summit Partners

  • Another significant transaction involving a provider of insourcing services to the NHS, 18 Week Support

  • With the business’ strong position in the market, generating £29.6m of revenue and underlying EBITDA of c.£4.7m in the year to March 2021, Summit Partners clearly recognise the opportunity for growth

  • With NHS waiting lists continuing to grow and expected to reach more than 10 million for elective care procedures by 2024, outsourcing and insourcing providers will play a key role in addressing the issue

  • We expect to see further deals in this sector as a result

Investment into Nourish Care by LivingBridge

  • LivingBridge’s investment into Nourish, a digital care planning platform, will support the continued rapid expansion of the business

  • Already serving over 300 care providers across more than 1,800 settings, Nourish is well positioned to benefit from the drive towards digitalisation of care records

  • With a significant proportion of social care providers still relying on paper records and ambitious government targets to rectify this, established digital providers such as Nourish are likely to experience significant growth in the short to medium term

SourceBio’s acquisition of LD Path

  • A truly strategic acquisition for SourceBio, providing a digital pathology solution which can materially reduce reporting timeframes

  • The pathology market has been slower to digitalise and move to remote reporting than other markets such as radiology, but LDPath’s technology could be a significant step in transforming the market

  • The platform will be a key tool in reducing pathology waiting lists which have been exacerbated by the COVID pandemic

  • With day one consideration of £18.5m and an earnout of up to £15m, it is a significant price for a business making £0.4m of EBITDA, but may well prove to be a very wise investment given the growth opportunities

Healthcare Market Activity

Private Equity Activity



Acquirer / Investor

Exiting PE

Specialist Care

Blue Ribbon

Queen's Park Equity


NHS Insourcing / Outsourcing

18 Week Support

Summit Partners


Domiciliary Care

CSN Care Group

Clece Care Services


Specialist Care

Care Without Comprimise

Choice Care

(Icon Infrastructure)



Nourish Care



Medical Devices

Prism Medical

Charme Capital


Elderly Care

Lovett Care

HIG Capital


Venture Capital Activity



Lead Investor


Cumulus Oncology

Oncology drug development accelerator

Eos Advisory


MIP Diagnostics

Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Technology for use in diagnostic devices







Development and commercialisation of soft contact lenses




Medically-rated screen protectors to fit everyday devices

Rubix Ventures



Healthcare workforce management platform

Finch Capital



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